Monday, March 24, 2014

53 Days: Be Our Guest

I believe wedding invitations are important.  They create a bit of excitement for the day and makes sure guests have all the important 'What-Where-&-When's. It can often can give guests an idea of the type of wedding they'll be attending.  We did consider e-vites but decided against them as we felt there was nothing nicer than receiving actual post.  

Our wedding invites were posted just over 2 weeks ago and we've already had some RSVPs from friends and family, each has made me more and more excited for our Wedding day. We've asked for RSVPs by email as we thought this would be most convenient for everyone.

I got the inspiration for our wedding invites in the lift at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London when I was there last October.  They'd taken a page from a book and printed the information about their restaurant over the top. I thought the style was perfect for our wedding so sent Jim and picture to get his opinion - he approved.

We wanted to have a quote on the front that wasn't too cringey but was romantic and meant something to us.  The quote we chose was from a book that we'd both read while I'd been in Edinburgh which we thought suited our wedding. I'd written it in my diary when I'd read the story and stumbled across it while rummaging through bits and pieces in my room at mum and dad's house.

'Having's wrong, sharing's right and what more can you share than your whole self, your whole life, all the nights and all the days.'

This delightful quote is from The Dispossessed by Ursula Le Guin.  It's a sci-fi novel (but don't let that put you off), and the action takes place in an anarchist society.  We found it really interesting to see how Le Guin envisioned personal relationships in this fictional world, and how personal relationships like love and family might behave without the attachments of property and state interference.  It's a really good book and generated a lot conversation points.

If you read my post on back in September, on our Our Gift-less Wedding you'll remember we were struggling over how to word this on our invites without sounded rude or offending anyone.  We have gone for;

'We are fortunate enough to have all of the customary items needed to fill a home.  The very best present we can receive is your presence at our wedding and your love and support on our adventure together.' 

We know our invites aren't maybe as traditional as some people might expect but we felt these better represented us and what we want to celebrate in a couple of months!


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